Co-Making Is The Future Of Branding

BY Fernando L. Mompó on 07 / 03 / 2014

If we counted and categorized examples of Co-innovation explained from Co-Society, group number one would probably be about new products that tap in the idea of mixing together the best of two brands. The main reason is, first of all, brands are much better known and attractive for everyone than technology, business models or some other kind of assets. So, if trying the hard work of evangelizing about co-creation in business, co-innovation based on branding is a good “selling point”.

But, the second reason would be we in Co-society believed for years Co-making is the future of branding. So does seems to think Fast Company, who recently published a very interesting article about collaboration between brands. The article takes as a story trigger the explosive success of the Taco bell Doritos Locos. As the article explains Taco Bell Doritos Locos Taco is today the most successful product launch in Taco Bell history, moved 100 million units in its first 10 weeks and has already sold more than a billion tacos.

Some others examples include Nike and Apple creating Nike Fuelband or Fiat and Gucci and its Fiat 500 by Gucci. The article adds interesting suggestions for new possible brand collaborations costumers are waiting for, but, best of all, explains in few and clear words why branding co-creation makes all the sense:

“Technologies might belong to companies (because a team of lawyers says they do), but brands belong to people. And the people don’t want more patents. They want products, services, and experiences they can’t get anywhere else. This is harder and harder to do in our crowded marketplaces, so more and more brands are collaborating to create real breakthroughs. Co-making is on the rise, and it’s a very good thing for brands and their audiences. Simply put, co-making creates something that otherwise could not exist, something that would not be possible without the contributions of two different brands

3 Reasons Why Co-Making Is The Future Of Branding

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