Making collaboration efficient when face to face is not possible

BY INFONOMIA on 23 / 09 / 2017

Working remotely can offer operational flexibility, happier employees and lower costs, but to team up virtually with colleagues and coworkers can also pose important challenges. As we know, truly efficient collaboration presents no few difficulties. Virtual collaboration raises added complications that require even more care.

#29 Co-session (II): Defining the best innovation space

BY INFONOMIA on 29 / 08 / 2017

The opening of our new premises gave us the idea to appropriately dedicate our Co-Session #29 to the subject of spaces for innovation. Time came to put into practice what we learned and collectively prototype an ideal space for corporate creativity and innovation.

#29 Co-session: Build your own innovation space

BY INFONOMIA on 15 / 08 / 2017

In our last Co-Session of the season 2016-2017 we were in a new space of our own. What better occasion than the opening of our new premises to dedicate this Co-Session to the subject of spaces for innovation?

Efficient teamwork and collaboration is becoming a Science

BY INFONOMIA on 20 / 07 / 2017

Accomplishing efficient and productive collaboration could be considered an Art. But we should also approach collaboration as a Science as new research and empirical discoveries are realized in areas such as neuropsychology, human behavior or group dynamics.

B2B sharing: the next logical step for Sharing Economy?

BY INFONOMIA on 10 / 07 / 2017

B2B initiatives of the sharing economy may not be as well known as B2C’s, but some analysts consider the real power of peer-to-peer exchange may be found in B2B transactions, as businesses could better leverage the potential financial and operational benefits of jumping on the sharing economy bandwagon.

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