FirstBuild co-creates the future of manufacturing (and it’s about Co-creation, btw)

BY INFONOMIA on 29 / 04 / 2014

When considering where and how to Co-create with customers or some other companies what first comes to mind is a digital platform; virtual tools and communication means, photos, drawings or 3D models files to remotely discuss or refine ideas and concepts. But this is not the case of FirstBuild…

Meaningful connections at 35,000 feet with a Co-Branding twist

BY INFONOMIA on 25 / 04 / 2014

We loved the idea of “Delta Innovation Class” the moment we knew about it … and for two different reasons. Not just because it makes absolutely sense as a Co-branding initiative, but also because its core value proposition beyond PR is pretty close to the one we offer at Co-Society.

Collaborative consumption potential is beyond millenials

BY INFONOMIA on 22 / 04 / 2014

Collaboration with other companies or customers is growing not just to create new products or services, not only to produce, but to consume together too. Collaborative consumption has grown rapidly over the past years. In fact, it’s easy to guess that collaboration new initiatives in markets will probably grow faster for consumption purposes than with a Co-production goal…

Big Brands meet to find their role in the Collaborative Economy

BY INFONOMIA on 11 / 04 / 2014

New start ups are making possible for consumers getting what they need from each other rather than from traditional companies. Instead of buying new things, people are sharing products and services. It’s the emerging societal shift called the Sharing or Collaborative Economy. If “Sharing will be the new buying”, the easy question to come up with is “What role will traditional companies play in this process?

A good idea to get to the airport, a Co-Innovation with Virgin Atlantic

BY INFONOMIA on 09 / 04 / 2014

As a believers that the future is Co-, it is nice seeing how a growing number of initiatives of any kind are labeled “a Co-Innovation with” the same way some others have been traditionally “powered by” or “produced by” implying just one player. This is the case of Taxi2, a platform enabling passengers to link up easily with other travellers who may be on their flight and traveling to a similar part of a city, so they can share the taxi ride.

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