Co-Society on Co-innovation at the Spanish edition of Harvard Business Review

BY INFONOMIA on 16 / 05 / 2014

An extensive article about Co-Society and our vision on Collaborative Innovation is part of main and cover topic on the latest issue of Harvard Deusto, the Spanish edition of the prestigious Harvard Business Review magazine. We have translated and edit an English version of the article that you can download as a PDF file…

Etsy and West Elm: making obvious an unlikely collaboration

BY INFONOMIA on 13 / 05 / 2014

Online e-commerce platform vs. traditional retail stores chain; a brand based in everything handmade vs. factory made furniture. How did goods from the online indie-craft hub end up in West elm’s catalog and stores? Look for the answer in the reasons that are making possible collaborations apparently unlikely but obviously win/win once you forget traditional prejudices.

Mehrgenerationenhaus: A case for intergenerational collaboration

BY INFONOMIA on 09 / 05 / 2014

One of the tolls we pay today to modern life is lacking the intergenerational relationships that have been traditional for centuries, when some different generations living together under the same roof was the norm. Coming back to regain again some benefits of this relationship is not just a question of a nostalgic view of the past, but a way to find a solution to a very current problems that are about to get worse in the near future…

Sleep tight: Vittel partners DODO to give its PET bottles a second life

BY INFONOMIA on 06 / 05 / 2014

A virtuous circle between two French companies Vittel and Dodo, both committed to reducing the environmental impact of their respective production outputs, combines forces to transform PET into stuffing for duvets and pillows.

Are you ready for riding the twist?

BY INFONOMIA on 02 / 05 / 2014

Our annual event will be held in Barcelona next June 5th and 6th. We invite you to discover how to turn the unstoppable disruption in business around us into value for you. Whatever your sector, radical proposals are appearing somewhere in the world that will change the rules of the game, the mere way in how we do business, globally. In the co-fest 2014 we will have the opportunity to work with other professionals that also are eager to understand what is happening, and how they can benefit from these radical transformations…

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