Rethinking Care for a 100-year life.

BY INFONOMIA on 24 / 04 / 2019

The world is facing a growing number of complex social challenges right now – we are ageing whilst living geographically further and further apart from our loved ones, socio-economic disparities are leaving the most vulnerable ever more exposed and at risk, loneliness is an increasing phenomenon amongst young and old even though we are more […]

Images to create new realities…or tell different stories from the same one. Co-Session #33 (III)

BY INFONOMIA on 23 / 01 / 2019

New devices normalize an immersive third dimension made from artificially generated images. In our 33rd Co-Session we learnt that images can now create worlds we can immerse in and also show us different stories of the same one.

Images to lie, brand, recognize and tell a story. Co-Session #33 (II)

BY INFONOMIA on 27 / 12 / 2018

Using images with branding purposes is no longer limited to the big brands. And all images, by definition, lie. During our last Co-Session on Images as the New Conversations we learnt how images can brand, lie, recognize and even be an essential element of a transmedia storytelling.

Co-Session #33 Images are the New Conversations

BY INFONOMIA on 14 / 12 / 2018

New technologies and channels have democratized the production and distribution of images, exponentially multiplying a communication of facts and ideas that is increasingly audiovisual. That’s why we wanted to focus our 33rd Co-Session to images and, in particular, to their use as an element that generates new dialogues between consumers and markets.

Management’s next frontier is about being able to collaborate more and better

BY INFONOMIA on 22 / 10 / 2018

Consulting firm McKinsey & Company considers management’s next frontier is about making the most of the ecosystem economy. An article on its website listed a series of managerial skills and capabilities that conform what they believe will be the key to success in a new economic environment and markets increasingly based on these ecosystems. Guess what? They are all about being able to collaborate better.

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