Trying to work collaboratively with partners and customers is increasingly less of a novelty. Unfortunately, it’s still not as usual to do it continuously and methodologically, using proper software and hardware tools to truly leverage knowledge and experience. Sometimes, the mere existence of a dedicated facility can make the difference…
As we know, increasing complexity is a main driver for cooperation and co-innovation. If thinking about a complex project, for several generations first thing to come to mind is putting Man on the Moon. But that was almost half a century ago, so it’s easy to imagine how much more complex is to carry on with space exploration today, and not just for technological reasons. NASA realized some years ago, starting a kind of public-private collaborations and partnerships that today are considered an example to follow in many other fields.
As tough societal problems persist and government budgets tighten, citizens, social enterprises, and even businesses, are relying less and less on government-only solutions. The Solution Revolution describes how, as the subtitle puts it, “business, government and social enterprises are teaming up to solve society’s toughest problems”…
As complexity of business grows, conventional management theories and practices seem to become increasingly useless. A new book from Boston Consulting Group outlines a better approach to managing complexity. The approach is called smart simplicity, and it hinges on six simple rules. Guess what? All six rules can come down to just one: make cooperation happen…
When considering innovation maybe food industry does not attract as much attention from media or analysts as some other “sexier” areas as, for instance, mobile or 3D printing. But, on the other hand, it’s not necessary an expert eye to realize the rapid pace of at which food offer and demand changes…