Consumers are a huge and largely untapped source of creativity and innovation. Why not trying to tap into it? A co-creation workshop with customers should be an activity to consider for most organizations, but it’s a must for those lucky enough to have not just customers but fans, as we recently confirmed leading one of such co-creation tools for F.C. Barcelona…
A meeting between research scientists and business people is still an unusual occurrence. Co-Society intended to make the most of Co-Session#21 to propose a dialogue – an opportunity to work together – precisely to design a framework to promote a new relationship and understanding.
It is essential that any new economy or new productive model for the 21st century has a significant basis in the advances of scientific research. Science is the only field that will provide the solutions to many as yet unresolved problems and needs within the business world. Science is business. But despite that, giving such a name to a conference like our last co-session can unfortunately still be seen as provocative.
Maybe Material Mix cannot be considered in a narrow sense as a collaborative platform, but nevertheless we find it inspiring as a good example of the kinds of tools still required to drive collaboration and make it much easier and likely.
The announced advent of a new generation of smarter and connected products will redefine many industry boundaries. It will also reshape competition and, consequently, it will require companies understanding collaboration and co-innovation as a critical element for navigating successfully new and unknown territories beyond their century old traditional, siloed “zones of comfort”.