A majority of businesses work according to a base of structures, methods and processes that were designed for a type of environments that are now a thing of the past. The so called Responsive Organisations are born to react and respond rapidly to the situation of accelerated change around them. Co-Fest 2015 taught us how to make our organizations more responsive using a hands-on approach, in an accelerated process of ideation and of prototyping ideas and initiatives.
Co-innovation with providers, a rare and limited activity years ago, is becoming an important element of a trend going from outsourcing focused exclusively on price to value-oriented agreements. Increasingly, providers are expected to add value beyond the buyer/seller relationship. And there is not a more committed way to push forward a relationship than creating a new company together, as Iberdrola did with provider Grupo Dominguis.
“Seats to Meet” approach to coworking spaces implies several interesting insights, including the disruptive idea of corporations sparking their innovation skills by adding to their HHRR mix the fresh knowledge, network, expertise and enthusiasm of digital knowmads “in-residence”.
The global marketplace is becoming more complex and challenging than ever. As in so many other business activities, collaboration can be a key element to answer to the increasing complexity of internationalization. A number of local governments and businesses are starting to work in partnership to build capacity to compete and succeed in today’s global environment. Co-Society collaborated with one of such local governments.
Most people still think about crowdfunding exclusively as a funding tool when no other source of capital is possible. But beyond a funding mechanism, crowdfunding could also be a new way to enhance a Co- relationship with consumers or other players involved in a collaboration initiative.